Monday, December 04, 2006

Lame-duck Congress still has time for political games

The Republicans in Congress don't feel like they have to finish their work and pass the remaining appropriations bills that they left behind to hit the campaign trail, but they do have time to pander to their base. Even if it means making things up.

The extremists in Congress are trying to make sure they pass a bill to require doctors to tell women something that they can't prove.
...lawmakers this week will push legislation requiring physicians to ask women whether they want anesthesia for their fetuses before ending pregnancies.
This is the so-called fetus bill. Problem is, the lawmakers pushing this bill have no idea whether or not that is even remotely true.

Of course, reality is a bar most anti-abortion extremists never feel they have to hurdle. From Minnesota Public Radio:
But the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says there is no legitimate scientific information indicating that a fetus experiences pain. The organization also cautions that a higher dose of anesthesia for women undergoing the procedure puts them at greater medical risk.
But really, why should the anti-abortion extremists care start caring about the health of women now?

If Congress has time to play politics, they have time to finish the appropriations bills. If they leave them behind for the next Congress, the Republicans should never be allowed to be in charge of our money again.


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