Thursday, March 30, 2006

Our bashful state legislators

What is it about the Taxpayer Protection Amendment that makes Republican state legislators unwilling to talk to the public?

Is it the fact that even the biggest proponents of the amendment aren't sure what it does and now think it needs to fixed? Again. Is it the fact that the more people get to know this rehash of TABOR they see it for what it is? TABOR with a new name. Or is it that when they took it the county they thought it would get the best reception, the public registered 230 against and 30 for it?

This week legislators again held a meeting on the amendment and they didn't want the public to attend again. In fact according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Senator Glenn Grothman said this:

Grothman said in his invitation that no notices of the two-hour hearing would be sent to the news media and that the intention was not to invite the general public.
And to add insult to injury, Grothman lets the public know he thinks listening to them is a waste of time.

"To be honest, we learned a lot more from the invitation-only meeting," Grothman said, comparing the first invitation-only hearing with the first traditional public hearing.
They learned more or they heard more of what they wanted to hear? Those pesky residents that will have to live with the result of this gigantic constitutional amendment didn't exactly say what the Republicans where hoping to hear.

Isn't it worrisome that the Republicans are only now asking for experts to talk to them about this? After they introduced it and ran around saying they all support it?

Note to Republican state legislators: The constitution was not meant to be modified by trial and error.


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